Stochastic Morphometry workshop 2024

Workshop organised by Centre for Computational Evolutionary Morphometry. Hosted by the Pioneer Centre for AI at University of Copenhagen.


Tuesday 11 June

14:00-15:00: Arrival, coffee and cake
15:00-15:20: Opening, introduction to CCEM and the Stochastic morphometry project. PIs Stefan Sommer (Prof., UCPH) and Rasmus Nielsen (Prof. UCPH/UC Berkeley). Followed by questions
15:25-16:10: The Shape of Life: Morphological Approaches to Phylogenetic Analysis. John Huelsenbeck (Prof. McCreight Chancellor’s Chair in Computational Biology, UC Berkeley). Followed by questions
16:15- 17:00: A tutorial on Bayes rule and h-transforms. Moritz Schauer (Assoc. Snr Lecturer, Chalmers University). Followed by questions

Wednesday 12 June

09:30-09:40: Welcome day two by Stefan Sommer and Rasmus Nielsen
09:45-10:15: SISTER: Landmark-based phylogenetic placements. Chao Zhang (Postdoc, UCPH/ UC Berkeley; online). Followed by questions
Followed by questions
10:20-10:40: From Pixels to Patterns: Unravelling the Evolution of Butterfly Wings Using Upwards LDDMM. Michael Lind Severinsen (PhD, UCPH)
Followed by questions
10:45-11:00: Break
11:00-11:30: A Novel Phylogenetic Comparative Method for Early High Disparity: Model Adequacy and Performance on Fossil Comparative Datasets. Ricardo Ely (Postdoc, UCPH). Followed by questions
11:35-11:55: Local MCMC update for Hyperiax Trees. Jacky Li (PhD, UC Berkeley). Followed by questions
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-13:45: Metric Measure Spaces. Steve N Evans (Dist. Prof., UC Berkeley). Followed by questions
13:50-14:35: Some examples and open problems in simulating conditioned processes. Frank van der Meulen (Prof. dr. ir., VU Amsterdam). Followed by questions
14:40-14:55: break
14:55-15:25: Simulating Conditioned Diffusions on Manifolds. Marc Corstanje (PhD, VU Amsterdam). Followed by questions
15:30-16:00: Bayesian Inference for Discretely Observed Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. Thorben Pieper (PhD, TU Delft). Followed by questions
16:05-16:30: Discussion of perspectives in the preceding talks

Thursday 13 June

09:30-09:40: Welcome day three by Stefan Sommer and Rasmus Nielsen
09:45-10:05: Speeding up tree computations using JAX. Marcus Teller (PhD, UCPH). Followed by questions
10:10-10:30: Doob’s h-transform for strong Hilbert space valued SDEs. Libby Baker (PhD, UCPH). Followed by questions
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-11:05: Score Matching and Diffusion Bridges. Gefan Yang (PhD, UCPH)
Followed by questions
11:10-11:40: Score Learning for Parameter Inference in Stochastic Shape Evolutions. Nicklas Boserup (MSc, UCPH). Followed by questions
11:45-12:00: Discussion of perspectives in the preceding talks
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-16:00: Time to work together