- Karen Habermann, Philipp Harms and Stefan Sommer: Long-time existence of Brownian motion on configurations of two landmarks. Accepted for publication in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
- Lili Bao, Jiahao Lu, Shihui Ying, Stefan Sommer: Sliding at first order: Higher-order momentum distributions for discontinuous image registration. Accepted for SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences.
- Erlang Grong and Stefan Sommer: Most probable flows for Kunita SDEs. Accepted for Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
Pre-prints and additional publications:
- Elizabeth Louise Baker, Gefan Yang, Michael L. Severinsen, Christy Anna Hipsley, Stefan Sommer: Conditioning non-linear and infinite-dimensional diffusion processes.
- Philipp Harms, Peter W. Michor, Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer: Geometry of sample spaces, in: Differential Geometry and its Applications, Volume 90, October 2023
- Benjamin Eltzner, Pernille E. H. Hansen, Stephan Huckemann, Stefan Sommer: Diffusion Means in Geometric Spaces, in: Bernoulli papers
- Akhøj M, Pennec X, Sommer S. (2023). Tangent Phylogenetic PCA. Image Analysis – 22nd Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2023, Sirkka, Finland, April 18–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 77-90). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Baker E, Besnier T, Sommer S. (2023). A Function Space Perspective on Stochastic Shape Evolution. Image Analysis – 22nd Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2023, Sirkka, Finland, April 18–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 278-292). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Chao Zhang; Rasmus Nielsen; Siavash Mirarab: inference from whole-genome alignments, 10.1101/2023.10.04.560884
- Gefan Yang, Stefan Sommer: A Denoising Diffusion Model for Fluid Field Prediction (arxiv), accepted for NeurIPS workshop
- Liwei Hu, Wenyong Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Yu Xiang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Sommer, Stefan, University of Copenhagen: Incorporating Riemannian Geometric Features for Learning Coefficient of Pressure Distributions on Airplane Wings. Submitted for IEEE transcations on Aerodynamics and Electronic System
- Morten Akhøj, James Benn, Erlend Grong, Stefan Sommer, Xavier Pennec: Principal subbundles for dimension reduction, paper under review
Additional publications:
- Karl Levinsen & Thomas Schrum Nicolet: Domain-specific Diffusion in the Butterfly Domain, MSc Thesis, Computer Science, 29-05-2023. Supervisor: Stefan H. Sommer
- Hu, L. (2023). Research on Deep Learning Method for Joint Modeling of Aerodynamic Layout and Flight Status Features (PhD thesis)
- Gefan Yang: “A Denoising Diffusion Model for Synthetic Fluid Field Prediction” (MSc thesis)
- Morten A Pedersen: Riemannian and sub-Riemannian methods for dimension reduction (PhD thesis)
Media coverage:
- Stefan Sommer, feature Regulering af kunstig intelligens indebærer store risici, in Berlingske 29 November 2023
- Christy Hipsley’s research on wolf and canid morphology featured in Aktuel Naturvidenskab 30 October 2023
- Stefan Sommer, observations in article Hvornår overtager AI dit tegneprogram?, in Fagbladet Teknikeren 13 June 2023
- Stefan Sommer, Tik tok student recruitment campaign for Computer Science, 12 June 2023
- Stefan Sommer, Professor om det værste ai-scenario: Tænk ikke på robotter med våben, feature in Berlingske Tidende 17 May 2023
- Stefan Sommer, participated in podcast Tiden 3 may 2023 (from 09:42) on Jeffrey Hinton’s resignation from Google
- Stefan Sommer, observation in article Spørgsmålet om kunstig intelligens deler vandene: Iværksættere frygter det, mens eksperter tvivler på, at det kan bremses. I kulissen lurer Kina, in Berlingske Tidende 6 April 2023
- Stefan Sommer, observations in article Den forbløffede verden med sin intelligens, men Elon Musks robotbarn har lidt et skæbnesvangert nederlag: »Det kan få store konsekvenser«, in Berlingske Tidende 1 April 2023
- Stefan Sommer, observations in article Italien siger nej: Det første vestlige land forbyder chatrobot, in Politiken 1 April 2023
- Stefan Sommer discussed generative AI in public debate and education in Danish TV2 news on 27 February 2023 (during the 19:00 transmission)
- CCEM and Stochastic Morphometry featured in Ingeniøren 31 January 2023
- A. M. Christgau, A. Arnaudon, S. Sommer: Moment Evolution Equations and Moment Matching for Stochastic Image EPDiff, accepted for Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2022 (in print)
- Erlend Grong, Stefan Sommer: Most probable paths for anisotropic Brownian motions on manifolds, 2022, accepted for Foundations of Computational Mathematic, https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.15634; published version: https://rdcu.be/cVGAq
- Mathias Højgaard Jensen, Sarang Joshi and Stefan Sommer: Discrete-Time Observations of Brownian Motion on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces: Sampling and Metric Estimation, Algorithms, 2022, 15(8), 290; https://doi.org/10.3390/a15080290
- Jakob Stolberg-Larsen and Stefan Sommer: Atlas Generative Models and Geodesic Interpolation, Journal Image and Vision Computing, 2022, arxiv:2102.00264
- Alexis Arnaudon, Frank van der Meulen, Moritz Schauer, and Stefan Sommer: Diffusion Bridges for Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems and Shape Evolutions, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2022, arXiv:2002.00885
- Mathias Højgaard Jensen and Stefan Sommer, Mean Estimation on the Diagonal of Product Manifolds, Algorithms, 2022
Pre-prints and additional publications:
- Morten Akhøj, Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer: Tangent phylogenetic PCA, accepted for SCIA 2023 : 22nd Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 18-23 April 2023
- Mathias Højgaard Jensen: Stochastic Bridge Sampling on Manifolds, PhD thesis defended on 30 September 2022
- Erlend Grong, Stefan Sommer: Most probable flows for Kunita SDEs, paper submitted for review, 2022
- Pernille Hansen, Benjamin Eltzner, Stephan F. Huckemann, Stefan Sommer: Diffusion Means in Geometric Spaces, paper submitted for review, 2022
- Morten Akhøj, Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer: Tangent phylogenetic PCA, paper submitted for review, 2022
- Marcus Teller: Phylogenetic Dimensionality Reduction in Non-linear Geometries, MSc thesis, Computer Science, UCPH, 2022
- Patrick Hartvigsen and Rasmus Nielsen: Images segmentation of butterfly wings using U-Net: Transforming butterfly wings into SDFs for shape analysis, MSc thesis, Computer Science, UCPH, 2022
- Thomas Besnier: On stochastic shape analysis and applications to phylogenetics, Internship report, UCPH and Centrale Lille Institut, 2022