In 2023, the focus of CCEM’s annual workshop is internal synergy and consolidation of collaborations with the GLOBE Institute, Department of Biology and Natural History Museum of Denmark. Building on presentations, we will form knowledge of the empirical datasets and methods developed by CCEM as well as in-depth insights into sub-projects and their interrelations and roles in the analytical pipelines leading to cases of biological applications.
Monday 12 June 2023
- 09:15-09:25: Workshop opening, introduction by Stefan Sommer and Rasmus Nielsen
- 09:25-09:55: Talk by Rasmus Nielsen: “Phylogenetics and morphology”
- 10:00-10:30: Talk by Christy: “Overview of current approaches to phenotypic analysis”
- Break
- 10:45-11:05: Talk by Sofia Stroustrup: “Evolutionary modelling of shape data”
Followed by questions - 11:10-11:30: Talk by Michael Lind Severinsen: “Data scavenging, hunting and gathering for morphological analysis and shape evolution”
Followed by questions - Break
- 11:40-12:40: Break-out session detailing the pipelines leading to biological applications in the scope of CCEM, specifying the interrelations of all sub-projects in the overall aims.
- Lunch
- 13:10-14:40: Break-out session continued
- Break
- 14:45-15:05: Talk by Morten Akhøj: “Phylogenetic Root Estimation for Landmark Shapes”
Followed by questions - 15:10-15:30: Talk by Chao Zhang: “Species tree inference from unlinked traits using quartets”. Followed by questions
- 15:35-16:00: Discussion of perspectives in the preceding talks
Tuesday 13 June 2023
- 09:15-10:15: Presentations of yesterday’s group work, with 15 minutes between for questions
- 10:15-11:00: Break-out session continued focusing on integrating the feedback received. Final result aimed for is an updated project work plan
- Break
- 11:15-11:35: Talk by Marcus Teller: “Deep invariant representations”
Followed by questions - 11:40-12:00: Talk by Libby Baker: “Stochastics in shape spaces”.
Followed by questions - 12:05-12:25: Talk by Lili Bao: “Image registration with sliding motion in vortex sheet groupoid framework”. Followed by questions
- 12:30-12:45: Discussion of perspectives from the talks of the two days
- Lunch
- 13:45-14:15: Kyle Copas: “Introduction to GBIF – Global Biodiversity Information Facility“. Followed by questions
- 14:20-15:00: Guojie Zhang: “Presentation of the B10K bird genome project“
Followed by questions - Break
- 15:15-16:00 Gavin Thomas: “Presentation of the Mark My Bird project” (online). Followed by questions
- 16:05-16:30: Closing discussion